On this page you will find photo's from this year and last year. For earlier photo's check out the "older photo's" section.

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Woolshed Hill   7 May 

 Photo's by Chris


 Photo's by Vesna


Spencer Park- Brooklands   1 May 

 Photo's by Pat and Dennis


Mt Lyndon - Red Hill   10 April 

 Photo's by Bronwyn and Vesna


Lake Guyon   26-27 March 

 Photo's by Kevin and Heather






Lake Christabel   27-30 December 

 Photo's by 


Kowhai Hut   30-31 October 

 Photo's by Pat


Peak Hill   3 October 

 Photo's by 


Paparoa   23-27 September 

 Photo's by 


Mt Pukanui   7 August 

 Photo's by 


Jollibrook  14-15 July 

 Photo's by 


Casey Binser   3 -4 July 

 Photo's by 



 Lake Heron   25 May 

 Photo's by Pat


Avalanche Peak   1 March 

 Photo's by Pat





 Waiau Hut   29-30 August 

 Photo's by Pat


Hogsback Track   2 August 

Photo's by Heather




Peak Hill   6 October

Photo's by Heather

Buicks Bridge 25 August

Photo's by Heather

Londonderry Walk 21 July

Photo's by Heather

Goldsborough Track 20 July

Photo's by Kevin

Banks Peninsula    June

Photo's by Pat

Mt Sinclair   9 June

Photo's by Heather






Old Ghost Road 9 -14 December 

Photo's by 

Midwinter -Ces Clarke Hut   14 -15 July

Photo's by Heather and Kevin 

Weka Pass 8 July

Photo's by Claire

Castle Hill Base Camp 22-24 June

Photo's by  Claire

Sign of Bellbird- Allendale 17 June

Photo's by  Pat

Cold Stream Hut   9 -10 June

Photo's by Claire and Pat

Carrington Base  30 March -2 April

Photo's by Dennis




Old Ghost Rd   9-14 December

Photo's by Sally

St James   19-23 September

Photo's by Dennis

Mt Sunday   8 July 

Photo's by Heather

Lake Clearwater   8 July 

Photo's by  Kevin

Balmacaan Saddle   7 July

Photo's by Heather and Kevin

Tribulation Hut  28 May

Photo's by Heather




Lake Kaniere Track   26 June

Photo's by Heather and Kevin

Mt Tahua (Lake Kaniere)   25 June

Photo's by Heather and Kevin

Rod Donald Hut   1 May

Photo's by Sandra

Mt Grey   17 April

Photo's by Sandra

Pelorus Track   25 - 28 March

Photo's by Heather

Bealey Spur   31 January

Photo's by Dennis and Sandra

Jollie Brook Hut  23- 24 January

Photo's by Claire